Saturday, August 3, 2013

Yoga by the Baltic Sea.

Yesterday morning Lionda and I put on our running shoes and ventured through her home town Vaivari. Vaivari is a residential neighborhood of the city Jūrmala, a popular resort town with a 33km white-sand beach. It has long been a tourist attraction in Latvia, and while running, Lionda makes a light joke about having grown up in Latvia's version of Newport Beach, an affluent city in Orange County. And we laugh.

Other than being a tourist hot spot and nuzzled close to a beautiful shore, the two cities have absolutely nothing in common. Jūrmala's neighborhood is old, wrinkly, and sprinkled with romantic wooden houses in the Art Nouveau style. Aside from the few modern homes that have been built over the last few years, it sits humbly on its thrown. Its essence is benevolent and simple.

We keep a steady pace all the way to the shore line, where the smell of the Baltic Sea and the softness of the white sand turns us into 12 year old girls. And that's where we decide to practice.

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